Looking For A Qualified Babysitter For 2 Children In Lethbridge

Lethbridge T1K, Alberta

$17 - $22 / Hour

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We just moved to town and are looking for a list of babysitters we can call when my husband and I would like to go out. We have an almost 3 year old (turns 3 in March) and a 5 month old. Would likely use a babysitter once we get kids to sleep, so your job would likely be quite easy, but there would be times we would call you for daytime babysitting as well. Must be competent when dealing with a baby and a toddler. If you are interested please apply! Thank you!
Created by Laura.
on 04/02/2016

Job Details

$17 - $22 / Hour
Starts: Shortly

About Family

2 Children
Age: Toddler (1-3 years), Newborn (up to 12 months)